Joe Dirt Movie movie After a bizarre twist of events leads to the death of Brandy's beloved dog, Charlie, a reflective Joe feels the need to seek out his parents. The search for his parents leads Joe on a series of adventures, meeting colorful characters like Kicking Wing the Native American fireworks salesman and Charlene the gator farm owner. All the while, he lives by working odd jobs. Parodying the lotion scene from The Silence of the Lambs, Joe narrowly escapes death when captured by Buffalo Bob (Brian Thompson). He then ends up in New Orleans where he works as a high school janitor/handyman with a former mobster in the Witness Protection Program, Clem Doore (Christopher Walken). While Zander and the listening audience initially seek amusement at Joe's expense, his optimistic outlook on life and good-natured self deprecation lead to Zander and the audience falling in love with him. Eventually, Joe lands his janitorial job at the Los Angeles radio station where he recounts how, at one point, he decided to give up the search and return to Silvertown to be with Brandy. When he got there, Robby informed him that Brandy found Joe's parents, but instructed Robby not to tell Joe. Robby produced a note from Brandy to prove it. Hearing this, Zander insists on getting Brandy on the phone to find out why she did this. Brandy admits to writing the note to Robby. She did it because she wanted to tell Joe in person, but never had the opportunity. Brandy goes on to tell Joe that his parents were killed the day they were at the Grand Canyon and pleads with Joe to come back to Silvertown. watch more
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